To learn more about enhancing your smile with restorative and cosmetic dentistry in Akron, OH, and the other dental services we offer, request an appointment online or contact us at (330) 835-1000 today!
We look forward to serving all of your dental care needs.
These were very easy to use! People barely noticed that I wore them – and easy to maintain dental hygiene while using them and I’m really happy with the results.
Thank you for coming to Ar smiles for your clear aligners!
Thank you!
So today Emily completed her clear correct aligner, and how did you feel after completing your aligners?
So much better! My teeth are a lot straighter – it has been great!
Would you recommend this treatment to anyone? Yes absolutely, my bottom teeth especially were really overcrowded which made it hard to floss and to keep my teeth clean so this has made the process so much better.
Hi Sandra, we are so happy to have you here at Ar Smiles today – so there is a little history on your teeth, we have done some crowns, you seem to be very happy with the outcome of it! Can you tell us a little bit about before and after for us?
Yeah I had, I had composite resins done for years and had to have them replaced multiple times because they would discolor and crack and be uncomfortable – and they were also very bulky they didn’t fit very well so I came in to AR Smiles, and the doctor replaced the composites with these porcelain veneers, and I am very happy with them – they look great and they feel fine, and I don’t have the sensitivity to the cold I had, and I feel like smiling again, because I was always hesitant to smile with the other composites!
We are so glad that we were able to fix those for you and you are so comfortable now and they look beautiful, they look very beautiful!
Hi Alex, so recently we have done a lot of work on your smile. How do you feel about your smile?
I really love it, my whole life I was- I didn’t have this tooth because I wants born with it, and I didn’t have a lot of confidence, I always not smiling at gatherings and stuff but now I have it and my confidence is through the roof and I really love it, and was worth all the time it took to get here.
Oh thank you so much for sharing that with us Alex and we are so glad that you are enjoying your new smile!
Thank you!
You’re welcome.
Hi Grace, you have come to AR Smiles, you have had some chief complaints about your jaw, can you tell me about that?
Yeah before I came to AR smiles at night time especially I would have severe popping on both sides of my jaw, so severe sometimes where I couldn’t even open my mouth to bite the sandwich fully.
And what have we done to fix that for you?
So I received a night guard and I wear it every night and within the first few days I noticed a significant difference, I have no popping when I eat food, and I am able to go about my daily activities without any pain.
That is so great! Thank you for coming to AR Smiles!
Thank you!
Good morning Melody, nice to have you here today is a big day for you because we removed your braces after so long and now you are pregnant! Getting ready for the beautiful baby boy and I wanted to see how your experience has been with AR smiles family and cosmetic dentistry – how you like your smile, and if you are to recommend us to others?
(laughs) I am so happy with my experience at AR Smiles, everybody here is so nice, and every visit I have had is just wonderful and the cleanliness and everything!
Great! Do you like your smile?
Yes! Very much!
And we are very, very happy that you are celebrating the new year with a little wonderful baby boy as well as your beautiful and very confident smile! thank you for trusting us!
Thank you very much!
We have Pinay at AR smiles – can you tell us how long you have been coming to AR Smiles?
Hi, I’ve been coming here for almost 20 years, my children are done with their dental journey, and now it is my turn!
Oh! So you are here as an Ortho patient, so you have been having a good journey with your ortho treatments?
Yes I was very unsatisfied with my dental issues and now AR smiles is fixing them for me thanks to Dr. Chegini!
We are so glad that we can do that for you, thank you for speaking with us!
Thank you!
Hi Arianna, how are you today?
Good, so you have had your braces on for what going on 2 years?
Alright and how do you feel now?
I love my smile!
Great, and heard you got a lot of compliments!
I did!
And how does that make you feel?
It makes me feel a lot better about myself and it makes me feel like it was worth it!
Worth it – great! So how did you feel during your treatments here at AR smiles?
I was very helped put, I felt like everyone was there for me through the process and step by step understood everything that was going on.
Great, I am so glad to hear that, thank you so much for being such a great patient here at AR Smiles!
Alright, I have Jennifer in here today, and she just got a teeth cleaning, can you tell us about your teeth cleaning today?
Sure, today was probably the best cleaning that I have ever had on my teeth, and you can probably tell than I am older and so I have had many cleanings throughout my lifetime, but today was the best – it was very gentle very thorough, but no surprises and absolutely 0 pain, so I am very pleased and I have been a patient here at AR Smiles dentistry, for many years and I am very happy with the care that I get and with Dr. Chegini and her wonderful staff so just very pleased and happy today to be going home, with clean teeth!
Thank you so much for your kind words!
Alright, we have Gregory here today! He says that he has been coming here for about 7 years, and he has not been in here since Covid – so tell me how you felt today coming back after, it’s been so long since Covid.
Well first I was invited into a new office space, which is actually so inviting it is so fresh, it doesn’t feel like you are at the dentist office, it feels like an old doctor’s office when you walk in, and now it just feels like a nice new hip place to come and Alyssa was awesome, she was awesome – the dental hygienist, I usually have pain when I come through – no pain, it was a great appointment. The best appointment I have had in years!
Aww w are so glad, thank you for your kind words I am so glad you can come in here and have such a breath of fresh air!
Thank you!
Veneers are thin hand-crafted porcelain shields worn on the front of the tooth which improves the appearance of teeth that are chipped, cracked, stained or worn. Veneers are as thin as contact lenses and are an aesthetically pleasing option of closing gaps, lengthening teeth and providing symmetry to make your smile more natural. Veneers are intended to last for many years without changing colour. They are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in dentistry. Ask your dentist if veneers may be right for you.
I have been under the care of Dr. Chegini for over 20 years. When my parents were my age, I don’t think they had one full set of teeth between them. This unfavorable dental genetics has always had me worried. The older I got, the more it became evident that I was seeing my future… until I met Dr. Chegini and Arsmiles Dentistry. Not only did she correct years of just plain old or subpar work, but she made every effort to do so for best cosmetic effect. And did I say how painless it is? A few years ago I went through with badly needed cosmetic work. This photo received many compliments on the smiles. With every compliment, I thought, “I would not be smiling so big without Dr. Chegini!” More than just improving my dental work, Dr. Chegini has improved my quality of life.
Hi Blair, Welcome back to Our Smiles. We’ve heard recently that you were very impressed with your cosmetic inlays, so how do you feel that these have improved your oral health?
Yes absolutely I am so happy with my inlays I actually have 2 done, I have always been frustrated with the gap in between my teeth, I had a filling form a previous year of dentistry and it was failing so I had a lot of frustration with food getting in between those gaps, I was having problems with my bite but the Inlays helped that whole area tremendously – you cannot see them, I cannot feel them – it really helped with my bite and alignment and it was much less invasive than a full crown which I have also had but the inlays have been such a huge help and such a huge relief for me!
That is wonderful Blair, we are so glad to hear that, and we will be really grateful to see you back again!
Yes, absolutely everybody here has been wonderful.
Thank you so much! So how did you end up coming to our practice? So my husband has been a very loyal patient, and he finally convinced me with the help of you guys here. This tremendous staff has really helped me get through my fear of being at the deist and going through any just regular cleanings and discovering if you have an issue – everybody here has been so wonderful, and so just kind throughout the entire process this year! So highly recommend. Thank you I appreciate it.
Good Morning Reggie. Good morning. I want to see how you ended up choosing Our Smiles as your dental provider. Well I initially I was Google-ing the top dentist and orthodontist in the area and yours was the first one I found. Great and I remember the day we started our journey because I know that we have worked on your smile with actual braces for some long time until we could accomplish the right smile but also the perfect functionality and bite that really was the most important thing to support your beautiful smile, and during that journey you have been a wonderful patient and I want to see what is your take on the result of your orthodontic treatment with us. Well before the braces I struggled with chewing, with the massive gaps between my teeth I had issues with different debris getting stuck and I had bad habits with raining at night and while getting my teeth adjusted with braces and everything was being corrected I was able to eat properly I was able to be able to clean my teeth easier, as well as actually be able to look at my smile in the mirror and not feel ashamed about it. Great I appreciate you being a great patient of ours and we really take pride in taking good care of our awesome dental community members. Thanks for being a wonderful patient! You are welcome!
What do we have? What do we have for Vincent? We have strawberry toothpaste! Look how big he opens, I love the way he opens his mouth and let Dr. C brush his teeth and he has ten teeth on the top, ten teeth on the bottom and guess what? No cavities! Wow look, no cavities! Great he is doing awesome! And then every night before he goes to bed he is going to brush his teeth, take turns with mommy and then mommy is going to brush Vinnie’s teeth. You take turns one at a time, and then in the morning before he goes to preschool, what happens? Vincent brushes his teeth and then mommy brushes Vincent’s teeth! Good job! Look at you! Now you are going to go home and get something good for yourself! He gets a cookie! Yeah awesome, hooray! Let’s just rinse a little bit. I want the brush. You want the brush? Give him the brush, he likes to have the brush, ok rinse. This is like a squirt gun.
Thank you very much I enjoyed being here, thank you and I just wanted to make sure that your experience was good with us, with Tory. Yes Tory did very well and I have an awful lot of tar tar and she took care of it very quickly and very efficiently and so forth and so yeah no I had some different problems of my bite not being quite well, getting what it should be and you took care of that and so I am feeling very good as far as my teeth and my bite and everything else . Good, and you wear that night guard that we fabricated for you? Absolutely wear it every night and it seems to really help a lot. Awesome and we are grateful to have had you and John your husband for almost 2 decades! Yes absolutely. Yeah we came I think almost when you first opened up! Exactly right, yeah and you are like family! Yes right I appreciate that. So happy to see you every so often just to catch up, and also take care of your smile and your bite and everything! Great thank you very much I enjoy it, thank you we are grateful for your trust and business with us! Ok!
Look at this! Tickle, tickle! Ticklish! Touch this, touch this, see how soft it is! Like little rubber, it’s like a brush okay! Open up a little bit! See tickle tickle! Are you ticklish? Tickle tickle! Meow meow right? She is doing an awesome job! Look at you! Good job! This is her first fill and she is only 3! Great she is doing an amazing job! Look at you meow mew! She watched her older sister. She is going to be asleep soon! Yeah? Is she sleeping? Yeah! I am going to put her to sleep huh, are you ticklish? Good job! Look at you, first time being in the dentist’s chair! For a 3 year old that great! Rinse, rinse, rinse with some water! Look at all this coming out.
Yeah, alright Holly it has been great to have you here for the past 15 years! Yes, and provide the health care to you. I know you are very young but you were a lot younger when you came in and we have been fortunate to provide some dental work to you! Yeah absolutely, this team has gotten me through- Oh Goodness everything from wisdom teeth when I was a teenager up to adulthood. Helped me with some cosmetic work as well, make sure I am smiling pretty, so I have been coming here since 2004 so yeah! Thank you so much for coming here and we appreciate seeing you every single time and as I always tell to my patients it is just like seeing family every so often and hopefully we get to care for your smile for the next- many years to come! Thank you very much.
So Krista, now that you are done with your braces, how do you like your new smile? I love it!
What a good patient you are! Look at you! Awesome! Are you sure you are Drew? How old are you? 5. You are 5? I think he started coming here when he was 2! Okay, now he is 5 and he has been doing so well ever since. When he came here she put on the music and he was dancing out there, I know! She kept trying different songs oh my God! I have pictures of him when he was younger and he has got perfect teeth! He still likes to dance. Yeah, and Eva has been a great patient! Eva! How old are you now? 7! 7 great! Eva of course has always been a big sister role model for her little brother Drew that is why Drew is doing so well! Alright, rinse and then we are going to use Mr. Tickly and tickle his teeth and shine them up for you! Tickle, tickle are you ticklish! I can’t imagine this, that this is the second generation I am seeing! His dad – nothing like this! He’s amazing!
Right you want to come over there, and you can take here –that way or this way? Let me see! Go over there and start there, you know I mean I just ever since I came here I just felt like you know it has just really been a family atmosphere I mean you are so, like what you do – you are so savvy in it and I love it, I am never disanointed every body’s attitude is so amazing I am always happy when I leave here – you are great! You are great! Everybody is great! The whole team! I have never been to a practice where you know, you got something like Oh could you please not send her back in! No I want to see everybody where is my girls! (laughs) I love everybody here, you are awesome, you are awesome I mean from the receptionist on down it is just like my girlfriends, Y’all are my best friends in here! Oh thank you! And I love coming in here and you know I actually have insurance and I can have my insurance do it but you guys are so great, I pay out of pocket to be here with you guys, oh thank you and we love you too and we feel the same, and I just you know – I just can’t wait to see – I mean this new office is so beautiful and I am just praying and wishing blessings on blessing to you guys because you guys are awesome, beautiful women inside and out and I would not change dentists for nothing! And I would refer everybody to you guys, I was actually on the phone with somebody that I referred to you here, oh thank you! And she actually wanted some cosmetic work and I referred her here and so yeah I am all for all of this, good energy and good vibes! So thank you! I appreciate it!
Carly this is a big day for you today! Yes! You got your braces at Our Smiles with Dr. Chegini tell me what we did for you today. You took them off! How exciting! What is in your near future, where are you going? I’m going to KC so this is probably a good time to have those braces off, I am just going to pan over here to show that before you had a pretty significant overbite, we couldn’t even see your bottom teeth right! Mhmm, so let’s check and see what we have on the after mah! Beautiful smile oh there they are! There are your teeth! Awesome! Thank you for being such a good patient Carly! Yeah, I will see you next week, we’ll get your teeth cleaned and you’ll be sent off to school in great shape! Thanks!
This is Arizona who used to come here ever since she was a 3! And she is getting a restoration done, which is not quite a crown but is a durable form of a dental restoration, which won’t break! That is so cool! It is going to- I don’t know how much more time is needed in there but it is 5 minutes so what is the total time Arizona? Let’s say this thing started at like 8 minutes so I have only been standing here for like a couple, and it has got quite a bit of that done, it is so cool. It is! Very neat and very innovative and technology is really making everything rock!
I am here with one of my very favorite patients Jeremy and I say that he is my favorite because he actually listened to my hygiene instructions! Can you please tell them what you are doing at home? Well you see they call it Our Smiles because when you do things right we are both smiling! Yay! And you can’t see because I am wearing a mask! But he is just doing an amazing job, he came in – Jeremy I am going to put you on blast but he came in with really inflamed gums a lot of plaque around the teeth he was already brushing his teeth water picking but with a little tweak with his home care instructions, I mean it is just really impressive to see how good you are doing Jeremy so thank you for listening! I can never say no to you!
Good Morning! I have Maya in my chair today and it is always such a pleasure to see her. I have seen her, I think I have seen you twice this year and I just want to celebrate her for all of her accomplishments and I wanted to ask you Maya what you thought about our office, and how you feel here? Well first of all the new designs they look so good, all of your decorations outside I love the Christmas touch but I especially love the inclusion of Don Jon because like he’s a local artist who I have always been really close to, and yeah I am super happy to be here. I am never uncomfortable here and I love being surrounded by like women in dentistry, it is very cool and different than a lot of what I have been used to and I have always been comfortable here and my family has loved it here and they have been coming here for a really long time! Yeah thank you, you actually hit it right on the head I mean, Dr. Chegini likes to include and celebrate women in the community and specifically when it comes to local artists and Maya here is actually hopefully we can showcase you work as one of our celebrated local artists as well! So good luck with your next semimetal in school and I will see you next time! Thank you so much!
Hi, I am Cheryl Santos, I have been a patient here since 2018, I think and I got my braces put in, in February 2019, they finally came off last week after 3 years and 3 months and my whole experience was amazing, everybody followed up with me and I was able to just come in when I need help so now here I am and here is my new smile and I am very happy!
So Ashley how long have you been coming to Our Smiles? I have been coming here for well over 20 years, I was here when I was a kid, my parents always brought me here so I came back here as an adult after college and craziness of life happened! And what procedure have you done lately? I have had fillings done and I also had an implant placed and a tooth extraction. And how was your implant? It was actually a lot better than I thought it would be. I came in very scared with it but they made it to where I was completely comfortable and it was only just a little pressure that I felt. Great, and would you recommend us to your family and friends? I would recommend AR Smiles to everybody! I have been recommending them to my friends and other family members so highly recommend. That’s great we appreciate you coming back to see us! Yeah, thank you!
Ok Ashley, how long have you been coming to Our Smiles? I have been coming here since 2008, since I was in 3rd grade and I just graduated college, so kind of a long time, and tell us about your smile today – I had a gap my entire life even braces didn’t fix it and today Dr. Chegini fixed my smile and I feel so much better about it and yeah! Would you recommend us to any of your friends? Oh ne 100 percent, 100 percent! Thank you
Our patients love us!
So we have our wonderful patient here, Jeff. He’s been coming to our office now for 22 years. Amazingly yes, I am originally an Akronite, I lived in Akron and Cuyahoga Falls until about 10 years ago but even after I moved to Cleveland and later Beachwood I just kept coming to Dr. Chegini because she is a great dentist and I certainly recommend her to anybody who is looking for dentistry in the Akron or Cleveland or Beachwood area.
Call us to schedule an appointment.
Noreen, welcome back!
Thank you so much.
Yeah, this is the end of our long journey. How do you feel?
I feel wonderful. Dr. Chegini and the whole team here has treated me like part of the family. I came in with broken and missing teeth, um very depressed.
And now I can smile …
… and feel beautiful.
You look beautiful. I remember when you walked in you were, like you said, anxious, um and now you’re smiling and … we treat our patients here like … like if you were my family. So, I’m hoping that you felt that way?
Of course, I did. Yeah.
You were so understanding to all my needs and that I really appreciate but I would recommend to anyone who asks …
Thank you.
… to meet at Arsmiles with Dr. Chegini and the whole team.
Thank you! You’ve been great.
Samantha how do you like your teeth after your clear aligner treatments? I love them! How did it go with your treatment? It went so well, the entire staff including Dr. Chegini and everyone is so warm and kind and even during the pandemic I know they are following the utmost protocol. I have always felt safe and I have really enjoyed my experience. I am just so happy! Thank you Samantha!
Alright I have Debby in the chair today and this is such a great day for Debby because she- how long have you been coming here? I have been coming here for over 20 years! Over 20 years and for as long as I have been seeing Debby I know that she has been wanting the 2 front teeth of hers to be just – what was your concern before? My concern was the discoloration – I had a little bit of a space in between the teeth and I never wanted to smile! But now, I can smile! Can we see your smile please! Oh look at those 2 front teeth, Doctor did some beautiful crowns now Debby is smiling as you should because you are very beautiful and your smile just reflects that! Thank you! Yeah so we are very, very lucky to have you – I am very, very happy with the outcome of what Dr. Chegini did and let me tell you this office makes you feel welcome. Dr. Chegini is wonderful and I would highly recommend Our Smiles and Dr. Chegini to anyone out there! Thank you Debby!
Ok we got your braces off, how long were you in braces for? 2 and a half years! 2 and a half long years! Ok let’s see your smile, and how do they feel? They feel really good! What did you come in for today? Retainer! Very good ok, so let’s see your before and after so we have got your upper teeth there, and the lower teeth, and then your after. Gosh it looks so great, so if you could, if you have anything to say for somebody that is interested in getting braces, would you recommend it? Yes! Would you go through it again to get the end result that you have today? Yes! Well there you go, we were happy to take care of you Arianna! Thank you!
Ok Cameron, how was your appointment today? Good, good – I have a questions for you – what did we do today? I had some gaps on my teeth from like it shifting after braces so they filled the gaps and made my teeth look way more straight. Awesome let’s see here, very good that looks great! The braces were not done here, yeah braces were done elsewhere you had a permanent retainer that broke right, and you noticed some shifting of the teeth? Yeah. Are you happy with the results today? Mhmm. Awesome very nice!
We have Ethan in the chair today. Ethan can you lets us know a little bit about your history, why you are here and how you are feeling now? Yeah so I came in because I recently got my braces like fully, fully set and my teeth perfectly aligned but I still had issues with my gums they would ache a lot and I also had joint pain in my jaw, so I came in and got that looked at and I needed a bite adjustment done. How do you feel after the bite adjustment has been done? It feels a lot better I don’t think I realized how bad it was until I finally got it fixed and it is a world of difference, it feels a lot better even having it done now I can tell it is going to fix a lot. Yeah and you are right Ethan this is the perfect time to address a problem that has to do with your bite because believe it or not your bite can be the root cause for a lot of dental issues, so just something like this, like a minor adjustment can save you, well your parents a lot of money in the future and use some pain, jaw joint pain, neck pain and so I mean if you are feeling any pain like that maybe you can come in down to our smiles and maybe we can check it out and hopefully give you, you know some treatment same as Ethan got today and the you will feel some relief! You never know. Come check us out.